
Chcarjo's picture

Well todays event in my world of Tipplers , I found an egg on the floor today. too late in the season to sit on. Even though the shell was broken the skin was not.

What time in life do you Tippler people pair up? Or in this sense not pair up. I am waiting to split the cocks from the hens but got to work out who is what sex..... which Red is the Cock which red is the hen?

which Red is the Cock which red is the hen?


I would have to think on my own experience that once an egg has the outer shell broke, the chances of the egg lasting the full 23 days without breaking and making a very bad mess in the nest is slim to none. The truth is that the shell provides the protection for the growing embryo and must be in tact. If there is a possibility of dirt and bacteria to get into the egg, the embryo doesn't have a chance. That's what I think.

The sex of your birds is easy to distinguish based on their behavior. If they are mature, the cock will do several behavioral things that a hen would never do. When cooing (and hens coo too) you can count on the cock to make full circles in his little dance. Hens don't do that.

I hope that helps.

By Kitbox